samedi 22 octobre 2011


I never read Herman Melville "Moby Dick" -perhaps I'll do it after this trip !- but if somebody had asked me, where I thought he wrote it, I'd have answered, without hesitation : in a house just in front of the sea, in a place like this one :

Permaquid Peninsula -Maine- USA-

Not at all ! He wrote it in PITTFIELD- Massachusetts- in  a XVIIIth century farm, he named "Arrowhead", surrounded by corn fields and woods, where he lived between 1850 and 1863.

The  "New-England  Ulysse guide" (and Wikipedia  in English!)  explains us, that his writing cabinet was on the second floor. Througn the window, he had a beautiful view on Mount Greylock,  which "snow-covered profile reminded him of a great white Sperm-Whale breaking the ocean'surface".   
That's how  a great writer takes part of his inspiration !

3 commentaires:

  1. c'est une année Melville, je le retrouve dans les émissions de radio et je suis ravie de le retrouver ici

  2. Give yourself a lot of time if you're going to read it (I did recently.) I will try to e-mail you a link to a post I did about the church were Melville went to in New Bedford Massachusetts.

  3. But what a beautiful house to sit and write. :-)

    I too have never read Moby Dick although like all children in the US, I learned the first line at a young age.

    Hugs from Holland ~


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