Comme je veux garder le plaisir de lire et d'écrire sur mes lectures et les vôtres, je vais devoir ralentir le rythme de mes "articles" et peut-être de mes commentaires jusqu'à la fin du mois de juin !
Merci à vous donc, d'accepter de me suivre à pas plus lents !
To move in stages, to take care of my parents far from here, to start renovation works in our new home....
As I want to keep the pleasure of reading and writing about my readings and yours, I have to slow down a little bit until the end of June.
Thanks to you, to follow me slow-paced !
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Photo : Leisergu |
Sometimes we need to get other stuff done besides blogging. :)
RépondreSupprimerTake the time you need and take moments to relax between. We will all see you when you get back. I will miss seeing your comments but will look forward to then when things are settled.
RépondreSupprimerHugs from Holland ~
Le principal c'est que tu restes là, pas très loin , sur ma toile. J'aime vraiment beaucoup l'état d'esprit de ton blog et j'ai de réelles affinités avec ton univers intellectuel comme ce n'est pas si courant dans ma vie de lectrice, j'espère bien que tu ne quitteras pas nos univers virtuels, blogocopine !
RépondreSupprimerAnnie dear -- I know what it's like to be a caregiver for older parents -- (that is all past for me now)...when it was our time to do that, I wasn't blogging at all yet (we were just learning about personal computers at work)! I hope things go very well for you and certainly I (and I'm sure all your readers) wish the best and understand the lack of time.
That comment above got a bit messed up somehow. In the last sentence I was trying to say that I wish you and your parents the best and understand your lack of time. Take care.
RépondreSupprimerThanks to all of you !
RépondreSupprimerMerci à toutes !
Hello Annie,
RépondreSupprimerSometimes we can place too much importance on producing blogs regularly.
So long as you have time to relax and enjoy your reading, that's all that really matters.